On October 31, 1896 The Middlesex Courier reported
Baptist Chapel.—The anniversary of this church was held on Sunday last, when appropriate sermons were preached by the pastor, the Rev. J. Sylvester Poulton, to good congregations both morning and evening. On Tuesday a public tea was held in the British School, when the prettily-arranged tables were well filled with provisions and guests. The evening public meeting was held in the chapel, which had been tastefully decorated for the occasion. Mr. Herbert Marnham (of Hampstead) took the chair and was supported by the Rev. W. Brock (of Heath Street, Hampstead), Rev. H. B. Murray (of Canterbury Road, Kilburn), and the pastor. A letter was read from the Rev. W. Whittley. (of the Lown Memorial Church, Cricklewood*) expressive of his regret at being absent, which had been occasioned by the sudden and serious illness of a relative. The meeting was a very hearty one throughout, suitable and stirring addresses being given by all the speakers. The report, which was read by the secretary (Mr. J. Moore), showed that a quiet, steady work was being done by the church, and that a decided progress had been made in all the organisations. The pastor expressed the thanks of the church and congregation to the speakers, and to all those friends who by their offerings of money and service had contributed to the success of the anniversary.
*This is the church that began in 1885 as an iron mission chapel in Cricklewood Lane, an outreach of Lyndhurst Rd, Hampstead church 1885. The congregation moved the other side of Cricklewood Broadway to ao brick building, Lown memorial hall in Howard Rd, in 1893. A new chapel in the Gothic style with a tower was opened 1902 in Chichele Rd. In 1903 the attendance was 187 am and 402 pm. By 1978 it had only 21 members and closed. It reopened as a mosque in 1980.
*This is the church that began in 1885 as an iron mission chapel in Cricklewood Lane, an outreach of Lyndhurst Rd, Hampstead church 1885. The congregation moved the other side of Cricklewood Broadway to ao brick building, Lown memorial hall in Howard Rd, in 1893. A new chapel in the Gothic style with a tower was opened 1902 in Chichele Rd. In 1903 the attendance was 187 am and 402 pm. By 1978 it had only 21 members and closed. It reopened as a mosque in 1980.