The graph shows that membership steadily rose under the first pastor and then after a blip until 1919. Thereafter there is a slow but steady decline, that at last levels off from around 1983. The graph would support the view that after the first world war church attendance declined. People then assume that it was the war that was the problem. However, a well known saying in statistics is that correlation is not causation. The damage had been done before the war came along with the liberalism that came from Germany. It never gained a firm foothold in Childs Hill Baptist Church but it had its effect.
CHBC Stats
The graph shows that membership steadily rose under the first pastor and then after a blip until 1919. Thereafter there is a slow but steady decline, that at last levels off from around 1983. The graph would support the view that after the first world war church attendance declined. People then assume that it was the war that was the problem. However, a well known saying in statistics is that correlation is not causation. The damage had been done before the war came along with the liberalism that came from Germany. It never gained a firm foothold in Childs Hill Baptist Church but it had its effect.