Funeral Notice for first minister William Rickard

The following notice appeared in The Middlesex Courier for February 1, 1896 on Page 4.
CHILD'S HILL. Funeral of the Rev. W. Rickard—On Saturday last the funeral of the Rev. W. Rickard took place. The reverend gentleman had for the' past thirty years laboured for the - Nonconformist cause in Child's Hill, and just over twelve months ago was compelled, through ill health, to give up his work. It was felt by those who knew him that the end was gradually approaching, and on Tuesday, the 22nd inst., notwithstanding a painful operation, he breathed his last. If 'anything were needed to show the universal respect and love to which Child's Hill residents regarded Mr. Rickard, it was in the vast crowd of all denominations which assembled on Saturday in the Baptist Chapel to pay their last adieus to their departed minister and friend. The service was conducted by the Rev. W. Brock, of Hampstead, and after a very impressive ceremony the funeral cortege moved in the direction of Marylebone Cemetery, at Finchley, where the remains of the loved pastor were laid to rest. The coffin was surrounded with wreaths, and many were the expressions of sympathy. On Sunday a memorial service was held in the chapel at Child's Hill, when the Rev. J. S. Poulton was present (but unable to preach through a bad cold), but the Rev. W. Brock preached an eloquent sermon to the crowded congregation. He dwelt on the virtues of Mr. Rickard, and urged upon all the necessity of perfection in this worldly state, to fit ourselves for the glorious hereafter.